Strict Data Reviewing


The cornerstone of the Actionable Data Guarantee is that if any validation errors occur anywhere within any Pattern associated with a document, then the document cannot be "Reviewed". This ensures that Reviewed documents only contain data that can be trusted to meet the following criteria:

Quickly Identifying Validation Errors

Resolving validation errors involves knowing where the errors occur. We've made this easy for you by informing you of:

  • If any Pattern associated with the document has a validation error (observable from Data Inbox - New)
  • Which Pattern associated with the document has a validation error (observable from the Pattern list within the document view)
  • Which Subschema(s) contain validation errors (within Document Viewer: observable from the subschema button on the Primary Schema panel and from the Pattern list)
  • Which Record(s) contain validation errors (observable from the Pattern view within Data Inbox and from the Document View's Pattern list, Primary Schema, and Subschemas)

Achieving a "Reviewable" State Through Resolving Errors

Once all validation errors have been resolved, the "Mark Reviewed" button will turn from grey to green, indicated that is now able to be clicked.

Document image

Clicking on the review button here will confirm all extracted values for the document and lock the Records from being edited, ensuring that the data can't fall back into having validation errors:

Document image

This means that in Data Inbox, the document will now appear in the "Reviwed" section in both New and in the respective Patterns view. Furthermore, the Document API records can be filtered by whether the document has been reviewed or not, as "Reviewed" will appear as available data on each record.