Records Editor


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The Document Viewer header is located at the very top of the page. It includes an arrow that will allow you to go back into the main Document Viewer, where all the other documents you have uploaded will be displayed. On the far right side, there are the "Prev" and "Next" buttons, which will allow you to navigate to the other patterns.

The three dots located to the left of the navigation buttons will allow you to review the document information, and the ability to delete the document, if desired.

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To the far left side of the header, you will see the name of the document you have uploaded. To the right of this, there is a ribbon that will either say "UNREVIEWED", colored grey, or "REVIEWED", colored green. The change from unreviewed to reviewed can be accomplished by pressing the "Approve Document" button on the right side. By approving the document, this will also move the document from the Main Inbox folder, to the Reviewed Folder within the Main Document Viewer screen.

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By pressing the mark-reviewed-button, you will also notice that fields in the Right Hand Panel are, now, not editable. The trash can icons are also now replaced with a little green check, indicating that everything is correct.

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