Records Editor

Extracted Values and Validation


In the header of the Right Hand Panel, you will find:

  • A dropdown to select Records associated with the document and Plus
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  • An overflow button allowing the user to add the document to or remove the document from association with a specific pattern
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Adjacent to the entire right-hand-panel is a button (.gif below) which, when clicked, will collapse the panel to give you a full view of the document.

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Underneath the Panel header, you will see the the fields of the main schema, as well as the label and button for each different subschemas. The buttons for the subschemas gives information regarding how many records are within each schema.

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When hovering over the fields, you will notice that the information will be highlighted on the document to reference where it was pulled in from. After clicking away, the area will stay highlighted for ease of reference.

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In a multi-paged document, if you are to click on the field, it will bring you to the page that the information is pulled from and center the highlighted corresponding value in question.

All the fields in the Panel are editable, as long as the document is in the Unreviewed state. When editting a cell, Should information be entered that doesn't match the declared type for the Field or is blank when the Field is required, the cell will display an warning/ error message to alert you to review the value.

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While inside the field, you can revert any changes made to the cell by clicking the Rewind Button that appears to the right side of the field.

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Once the information is done being editted, just click away from the field, and the information will be saved!

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Notice the trash can icon has been changed to a little human icon. This means that this information was manually edited and the trash can icon is still available upon hover to clear the value if needed.

Updated 26 Feb 2024
Doc contributor
Doc contributor
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