

You can access user settings through "Settings" option within the "three dot" menu at the bottom-right of the screen.

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My Account

Upon arriving in Settings, your initial screen will be "My Account" within "User Settings." Here, you can edit your name or initiate a password reset. If you have changed your name, please remember to click on "Save" to save your changes!

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User Access

The next section you can access is "User Access", within "Team Settings." The following are the User Roles that a user can belong to:

  • Standard users have access to Data Inbox and can perform Data Inbox functions like viewing/ reviewing documents and assigning documents to themselves, but do not have the ability to edit Patterns or the access level of other users
  • Reviewer users are similar to Standard users, but can only access documents they have been assigned to and no other documents. This is particularly useful for ensuring data privacy and security rules can be enforced
  • Manager users have the same abilities as Standard users, with the added ability to manage other users and their document assignments in the Tenant
  • Creator users have the same abilities as Manager users, with the added ability to create, edit, and add automation to Patterns
  • Owner users have the same abilities as Creator users, and is also designated as the point of contact for the tenant for communication purposes
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The "Integrations" section, under Team Settings allows users to add integrations such as Google Drive, Gmail, and Office 365, which allows for more methods for easily get documents in Data Inbox. Each integration includes a description and allows users to easily add an integration, which will take the user to the corresponding integration site for authorization. Further, currently connected integrations can be removed, with Standard level users being able to remove the integrations they added and Admin and Owner level users being able to remove any integration.

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Admin Access

For advanced poweruser features such as additional automation settings or API key generation, you can access Admin via a link of the same name, under a section labeled "Advanced Settings".

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Updated 28 Mar 2024
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