Inbox - New


This page contains a table that lists all documents with key information that helps you determine which document to work with next. Here, you can:

  • Upload to Data Inbox
  • Open documents
  • Assign documents
  • Search through, review or discard documents
  • Reprocess
  • Export to Excel
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  1. Upload Documents Menu
  2. Status Column
  3. Document Name Column (and document-details-button)
  4. View Toggle

Uploading Documents

  • Users have the ability to manually upload documents to Data Inbox, using the following options:
  • Email Upload
    • Each user in each Data Inbox has a unique email to which emails can be sent/ forwarded for direct upload to Data Inbox. You can opt to copy this to your clipboard to paste into your preferred email client or you can open your computer's default email client, with the "To" field pre-populated with your Data Inbox email
    • Email attachments will automatically be processed and appended to the end of an email message, so your extraction can take information from both the email and its attachment
  • Browse (Local computer files)
    • Upload documents that exist on your computer's hard drive
  • Drag-and-drop documents directly into Data Inbox
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  • By selecting one or more documents, additional document options will appear. One of these options is the Assignment feature, which allows you to designate a user to be responsible for reviewing the document
  • The document table can be filtered according to which user(s) have been assigned a document or were assigned by user(s)
  • There is an additional filter at the bottom of the page to quickly filter documents based on whether they have been assigned to you or not
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Status Column

  • This illustrates the status of a document in the New state after it has been processed
  • The two types of statuses are Ready and Exceptions
    • Ready: Documents that are ready for the user to review, with no exceptions flagged
  • Execptions: Documents that are ready for review, but Alkymi has flagged an exception (Missing Data, Fails Type Validation, Low Confidence) that we require the user address before reviewing the document

Document Name Column

  • Adjacent to the document name is the document-details-button.
  • Clicking the button will trigger a drawer that contains additional information about the respective document
    1. Basic info about the document
    2. The document's status and current assignment details
    3. The Pattern(s)to which the document is currently associated
Document image

Notes on Filetype Support

When uploading documents to Alkymi Data Inbox, consider that the following document types are supported. If you have a document that is not stated on the following list, please contact the Alkymi Team.

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The "cycle" button in the table's action-bar is the reprocess button, which allows you to send a document through Processing again. This feature is built specifically for those that use Kits, as the newly reprocess document will reenter Data Inbox with any Kit changes applied. After selecting one or more documents (via the row's checkbox), the reprocess-button will appear enabled for clicking.

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After clicking the button, a confirmation message will appear, where you can confirm the number of documents to be reprocessed matches your initial selection:

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